Mags & Bags

Since becoming an ostomite I have endeavored, albeit in a small way to help other people in a similar situation come to terms with the look of their new body. Obviously there's very little I can actually do in reality as self confidence comes from within, but there's a chance that someone reading one of the magazine articles might take heart and look at themselves through different eyes.

I have never been a self confident person, since my teens I've been emotionally plagued with thoughts of worthlessness and low self esteem, so its a puzzling turn about that I am confident in myself now. I truly believe some of that comes through the struggle I had to stay alive and still be here and my deep appreciation I feel for that. I truly feel blessed, my experience through my blip of ill health taught me I'm stronger than I ever gave myself credit for, which has given me a sense of internal calm.

These magazine articles are part of me sharing my experience. I have never claimed that my body is anything special to look at, but its mine and its special to me for fighting off cancer and for recovering, even with the added extras that recovery brought with it.  

If a boudoir shoot is what you need to understand and appreciate how amazing your body is then my advice is go for it. Look at yourself with new eyes. Most of us wouldn't put up with a best mate that would think and say the awful things we so readily say about ourselves, why on earth would you? Therefore if its not acceptable for other people to think it about us its certainly not acceptable to think it about ourselves. Even if you can't bring yourself to love your new look body, then at least take pride in what it has been able to achieve. Recovery from any form of bowel surgery (or any form of body altering surgery come to that) is very tough but still being here means you're far tougher!! 

All monies received for the articles below were paid straight to the charities ClicSargent and  

Taken from Woman magazine 13th January 2014

Taken from Chat magazine 1st May 2014

Taken from Real People magazine 19th May 2011