The least worst case scenario

I wrote a post on social media in recognition and celebration of world Ostomy day I just want to mention that I have a stoma…I know, I keep it quiet, so you probably didn’t know.

I think anyone that knows me knows I love my life with my colostomy…and some people must be mystified by that. To some, they might feel I’m either lying or over compensating. And in all honesty I get it, I understand why people might think that it can’t possibly be as good as the traditional plumbing…and do you know what, it probably isn’t if you own well behaved, well running bowels…but that wasn’t my experience.

I was misdiagnosed with cancer for 5-7 years, and those years were absolute misery. Pain, then excruciating pain, bleeding, shitting myself unexpectedly. So yes, for me, my stoma is a blessing. It was always going to be irreversible, and who knows if I would have tried to go back if choice had been involved. So I’m glad those decisions were taken out of my hands, and made for me by the size and location of my tumour.

My life with my stoma has been an absolute breeze. I’m very very lucky, that firstly I have a really easy to manage one, and secondly that my brain reset and found peace with the situation immediately.

If you are facing stoma surgery I wish you love and peace, and most of all patience for recovery, it’s f****** gruelling, frustrating and long.

Which is actually another reason why I’m so bloody grateful to be here still, it was tough going back then, and I feel like I always want to make up for the time lost having to sit life out and recover from surgery.

My stoma life is actually living the dream.

I get to go where I want, do what I want and eat what I want.

Why do I post my photos and write this blog? Well, before my surgery I thought dressing well was over, but little did I know, it was just a whole new beginning.

I thought my life would be smaller, I really assumed it would be minuscule. But nothing could have been further from my lived experience with my colostomy.

I hadn’t flown for about 8 years before my eventual and very delayed diagnosis.

Six months after my AP resection and Oophorectomy I was sat on a beach in Cuba, sipping mojitos, and I’ve never looked back or stopped thinking about where to go next.

I can honestly say I have visited everywhere I’ve ever wanted to go. Now my list comprises of where my dreams carry me.

The main one being India, which we’re returning to in a couple of weeks time. I have dreamed about India since we got back from our trip in 2019.

So to recap, I’m very happy, comfortable and at peace with my stoma.

And more importantly…does my life looked like the worst case scenario to you?…

It’s probably the least worst case scenario you’ll ever witness. :)

I appreciate I’m very fortunate and lucky to have a very well behaved stoma.

I’m also very fortunate that my brain instantly changed its pre op stance. It was an extreme turnaround, for myself and my family and friends.

I really hope this doesn’t come across as smug. I am very happy, but I am also incredibly understanding and empathetic if people aren’t feeling the way I do.

I thought one thing before the operation, only to completely do a 180. I knew instantly I saw it that I’d be okay, and that I could perfectly well cope, but more than that, I knew in that moment I would thrive.

So what about this weekend, well, it was as fun packed as ever.

Saturday Chris and I waited for my new car to arrive, which it didn’t, so better luck next weekend. Hahaha, but it did mean we were able to go to Bicester Village earlier than expected.

Top from Gap, Jeans from Tesco, Bag from Dior, Shoes from Hermes.

I had an incredibly successful shopping trip. I started my Christmas shopping, which was very pleasing.

We’re going away to India and Spain before Christmas, so I need to get as much as I can done beforehand.

Then Sunday we headed up to London to watch Ben run the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Which he did amazingly well in. It was boiling hot, not ideal for running but fabulous for spectating. ;)

Dress from Jigsaw, Bag from Gucci, Shoes from Gucci

I think he did it in a personal best time too, which is pretty incredible considering how hot it was. Slightly unexpected for October.

Then we had a spot of lunch, after which Ben and Erin headed home and Chris and I went to the cinema in Selfridges. Chris has been wanting to try it for years, but as I’m not a fan of groups of germs…I mean people, sorry…I’ve always been a bit hesitant.

I don’t really like the cinema or theatres for the same reason.

But this was a very good experience. We watched A Haunting in Venice. I thought I was some sort of witch because I knew what was going to happen and who did it from about five minutes in.

…But it turns out I’m not a witch after all, and it’s merely an adaptation of Agatha Christie’s The Halloween Party. :) Mystery solved - both actually! ;)

With my snack basket…

There were about 12 other people in there so it was very restful for me germs wise. And I really enjoyed the film, even if I was freaked out about suddenly becoming psychic. ;)

I can’t remember if I’ve shown my autumnal door display yet?

But here she is in all her glory…

I’m waiting for Zak to come up to visit to transform it into a Halloween display.